SICP Study

3.5 Streams

3.5.1 Streams Are Delayed Lists

The stream implementation in action

In general, we can think of delayed evaluation as “demand-driven” programming, we herby each stage in the stream process is activated only enough to satisfy the next stage. (Section 3.5.1)

Implementing delay and force

3.5.2 Infinite Streams

(define (fibgen a b) (cons-stream a (fibgen b (+ a b))))
(define fibs (fibgen 0 1))

Defining streams implicitly

(define fibs
   (cons-stream 1 (stream-map + fibs (stream-cdr fibs)))))
(define pot
  (cons-stream 1 (stream-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) pot)))

3.5.3 Exploiting the Stream Paradigm

Formulating iterations as stream processes

Infinite streams of pairs

 (lambda (pair) (prime? (+ (car pair) (cadr pair))))

Streams as signals

(define (integral integrand initial-value dt)
  (define int
    (cons-stream initial-value
                 (add-streams (scale-stream integrand dt)

3.5.4 Streams and Delayed Evaluation

Normal-order evaluation

3.5.5 Modularity of Functional Programs and Modularity of Objects

A functional-programming view of time


We can model the world as a collection of separate, time-bound, interacting objects with state, or we can model the world as a single, timeless, stateless unity. Each view has powerful advantages, but neither view alone is completely satisfactory. A grand unification has yet to emerge. (Section 3.5.5)

The object model approximates the world by dividing it into separate pieces. The functional model does not modularize along object boundaries. The object model is useful when the unshared state of the “objects” is much larger than the state that they share. An example of a place where the object viewpoint fails is quantum mechanics, where thinking of things as individual particles leads to paradoxes and confusions. Unifying the object view with the functional view may have little to do with programming, but rather with fundamental epistemological issues. (Footnote 3.76)