# Part 1
# Recap
- We’ve been looking at stream processing, an on-demand method of computation.
- We don’t compute elements until we’ve asked for them. When do we “ask” for them?
- Example:
forces the first n
elements of a stream.
(define (nth-stream n s)
(if (= n 0)
(head s)
(nth-stream (-1+ n) (tail s))))
# Infinite streams
- How long can a stream be? It can be infinite!
(define (integers-from n)
(cons-stream n (integers-from (1+ n))))
(define integers (integers-from 1))
- Is this really all the integers, or is it just cleverly arranged so that whenever you look for an integer you find it there? This is a sort of philosophical question.
# Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Start with 2, cross out larger multiples of 2; take next, 3, and cross out larger multiples of 3; and so on. What you’re left with is all the primes.
(define (sieve s)
(head s)
(sieve (filter (lambda (x) (not (divisible? x (head s))))
(tail s)))))
(define primes (sieve (integers-from 2)))
(nth-stream 20 primes)
=> 73
# Part 2
# Defining streams implicitly
- We’ve so far seen procedures that recursively create streams.
- There’s another way. But first we need some additional procedures:
(define (add-streams s1 s2)
(cond ((empty-stream? s1) s2)
((empty-stream? s2) s1)
(else (cons-stream (+ (head s1) (head s2))
(add-streams (tail s1) (tail s2))))))
(define (scale-stream c s)
(map-stream (lambda (x) (* x c)) s))
- Now, we can define streams all at once:
(define ones (cons-stream 1 ones))
(define integers (add-streams integers ones))
# More examples
- We can calculate the integral ∫sdt the same way you would in signal processing:
(define (integral s initial-value dt)
(define int
(cons-stream initial-value
(add-streams (scale-stream dt s) int)))
- Another example, the Fibonacci numbers:
(define fibs
(cons-stream 0
(cons-stream 1
(add-streams fibs (tail fibs)))))
# Explicit delay
- Let’s say we want to solve y′=y2,y(0)=1 using the step dt=0.001.
- We’d like to write a stream program to solve this:
(define y (integral dy 1 0.001))
(define dy (map-stream square y))
- This doesn’t work because
and dy
each need the other defined first.
- We can fix it the same way
allows self-referencing definitions: by introducing another delay
, so that we can get the first value of the integral stream without knowing what stream it’s integrating.
(define (integral delayed-s initial-value dt)
(define int
(cons-stream initial-value
(let ((s (force delayed-s)))
(add-streams (scale-stream dt s) int))))
(define y (integral (delay dy) 1 0.001))
(define dy (map-stream square y))
# Part 3
# Normal-order evaluation
- We’ve been divorcing time in the program from time in the computer.
- Sometimes, to really take advantage of this method, you have to write explicit
 s. But in larger programs it can be very difficult to see where you need them.
- Is there a way around this? Yes, by making all arguments to every procedure delayed.
- This is normal-order evaluation, as opposed to applicative-order which we’ve been using.
- We wouldn’t need
because it would be the same as cons
- But there’s a price. The language becomes more elegant, but less expressive. For example, we could no longer write iterative procedures.
- You get these “dragging tails” of thunks that haven’t been evaluated, taking up 3 MB (!).
- A more striking issue: normal-order evaluation and side effects just don’t mix.
- The whole idea with streams was to throw away time; but with side effects we want time!
- Functional programming languages avoid this issue by disallowing side effects.
# Avoiding mutable state
- What about generating random numbers? We wanted modularity, so we encapsulated the random number generation with local state.
- Instead, we could create an infinite stream of random numbers.
- With bank accounts, instead of using local state and message passing, we can have the bank account process a stream of transaction requests, and emit a stream of balances.
- Can you do everything without assignment? No, there seem to be places where purely functional programming languages break down.
- For example, how do we model a joint bank account with multiple users? We’d have to merge the request streams somehow.
- The conflict between objects/state/time and
/streams/functional programming might have very little to do with CS, and be more about different ways of viewing the world.