1B Procedures and Processes; Substitution Model
# Part 1
# Programs and processes
- The job of a programmer is to design processes that accomplish particular goals, like finding the square root of a number.
- You do this by constructing spells (procedures, expressions) which direct a process to accomplish the desired goal.
- You must understand the relationship between the particular spells you cast and the process you’re trying to control.
- How do particular patterns of procedures and expressions cause particular patterns of execution and behavior in the process?
# Kinds of expressions
So far we’ve seen three main kinds of expressions:
- numbers
- symbols
- combinations
These are also expressions, but they are special forms, so we will worry about them later:
- lambdas
- definitions
- conditionals
# Evaluating combinations
These are the substitution rules for evaluating a combination:
- Evaluate the operator to get the procedure.
- Evaluate the operands to get the arguments.
- Apply the procedure to the arguments.
- Copy the body of the procedure.
- Substitute the arguments supplied for the formal parameters of the procedure.
- Evaluate the resulting body.
# Example
The sos
procedure takes the sum of the squares:
(define (sq a) (* a a))
(define (sos x y) (+ (sq x) (sq y)))
Let’s evaluate the sum of the square of 3 and the square of 4:
(sos 3 4)
(+ (sq 3) (sq 4))
(+ (sq 3) (* 4 4))
(+ (sq 3) 16)
(+ (* 3 3) 16)
(+ 9 16)
This is not a perfect description of what the computer does. But it is a good enough model for now.
But one of the things we have to learn how to do is ignore details. The key to understanding complicated things is to know what not to look at, and what not compute, and what not to think. —Sussman
# Evaluating conditionals
To evaluate (if predicate consequent alternative)
, follow these steps:
- Evaluate the predicate expression.
- If it yields true, evaluate the consequent expression.
- If it yields false, evaluate the alternative expression.
# Example
The addition operator in Peano arithmetic uses a conditional:
(define (+ x y)
(if (= x 0)
(+ (-1+ x) (1+ y))))
Now we can evaluate (+ 3 4)
like so:
(+ 3 4)
(if (= 3 0) 4 (+ (-1+ 3) (1+ 4)))
(+ (-1+ 3) (1+ 4))
(+ (-1+ 3) 5)
(+ 2 5)
(if (= 2 0) 5 (+ (-1+ 2) (1+ 5)))
(+ (-1+ 2) (1+ 5))
(+ (-1+ 2) 6)
(+ 1 6)
(if (= 1 0) 6 (+ (-1+ 1) (1+ 6)))
(+ (-1+ 1) (1+ 6))
(+ (-1+ 1) 7)
(+ 0 7)
(if (= 0 0) 7 (+ (-1+ 0) (1+ 7)))
# Part 2
# Pre-visualization
- Programs are made of procedures and expressions, and they evolves processes.
- But how do particular programs evolve particle processes?
- We want to go from particularly shaped programs to particularly shaped processes.
- We want to pre-visualize the process like a photographer pre-visualizes the photo before taking the shot.
# Peano arithmetic
There are two ways to add whole numbers in Peano arithmetic.
(define (+ x y)
(if (= x 0)
(+ (-1+ x) (1+ y))))
(define (+ x y)
(if (= x 0)
(1+ (+ (-1+ x) y))))
Both are written using recursion, but they are different: the first generates a linear iterative process with time and space; the second generates a linear recursive process with time and space.
The iteration has all of its state in explicit variables. The recursion does not.
# Part 3
# Perturbation analysis
Make small changes to the program and see how it affects the process.
# Fibonacci sequence
We can represent the Fibonacci numbers 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, … in Lisp:
(define (fib n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 1))
(fib (- n 2)))))
This is a tree-recursive process. We can represent the evaluation with a tree. This is a terribly inefficient process because there is so much redundant computation. The time complexity of this is actually the Fibonacci numbers. The space complexity is linear.
And the reason why people think of programming as being hard, of course, is because you’re writing down a general rule, which is going to be used for lots of instances … You’ve got to write down something that’s a general in terms of variables, and you have to think of all the things that could possibly fit in those variables, and all those have to lead to the process you want to work. —Sussman
# Tower of Hanoi
The way in which you would construct a recursive process is by wishful thinking. You have to believe. —Sussman
Move an -high tower from spike from
to spike to
using spike spare
as a spare:
(define (move n from to spare)
((= n 0) "DONE")
(else (move (-1+ n) from spare to)
(print-move from to)
(move (-1+ m) spare to from))))